It is with great joy that we announce the winners of the contest in collaboration with TibiaLabs called Secret Rendezvous, the aim of which was to idealize, and through the use of Artificial Intelligence tools bring to life, a love match between Valiant or Ragna (characters from the fansite item The Gods' Twilight Doll) and the Wicked Witch (TibiaLabs fansite item). There were many different forms of encounters, and a total of 47 images were sent in. Thanks to everyone who took the time to participate in our event, the results were wonderful! Without further ado, this is the Top 3:
First Place
Character: Violethy
World: Quelibra
Second Place
Character: Febri
World: Antica
Third Place
Character: Leathia
World: Solidera
Thank you all very much, and see you at the next events!